Resultat Trial SM Senior Total
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Pos#NameClubBrandClassNatTotal TimePoints
1 1 Linus Almthén Ale TK Beta Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:55:00 50
2 3 Max Sundberg Partille Trialklubb Beta Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:52:00 47
3 4 Kasper Riedel Kinna MK Scorpa Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:06:00 45
4 5 Noel Johansson Kinna MK GasGas Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:56:00 43
5 2 Fredrik Johansson Tiger MK TRS Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:04:00 41
6 7 Anton Riedel Kinna MK Scorpa Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:10:00 40
7 6 Didrik Peterson Kinna MK Vertigo Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:46:00 39
8 12 Lewis Timothy-Nyberg Ale TK Vertigo Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:12:00 38
9 13 Emil Levinsson Ale TK GasGas Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:50:00 37
10 11 Davide Fichera Tiger MK Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:25:00 36
11 8 Albin Lindqvist Tiger MK Montesa Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:34:00 35
12 10 Axel Andersson Sotenäs TC TRS Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:39:00 34
13 23 Max Mårtensson Hillareds TC TRS Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:18:00 33
14 22 Per Nordlöf Partille Trialklubb Vertigo Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:00:00 32
15 24 Lars Nordgren Partille Trialklubb Vertigo DL Rep. Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:57:00 31
16 21 Björn Ross Norrahammars MK TRS Trial SM Senior Total SE 02:31:00 30
17 65 Conny Englund Tiger MK Montesa Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:34:00 29
18 67 Daniel Larsson Kinna MK Vertigo Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:07:00 28
19 62 Jan Hermansson Sotenäs TC TRS Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:12:00 27
20 63 Richard Eriksson Kinna MK Beta Trial SM Senior Total SE 04:15:00 26
21 61 Daniel Alenbratt Ale TK Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:29:00 25
22 101 Jonas Wall Ale TK GasGas Trial SM Senior Total SE 03:30:00 24
68 Per Berggren Tiger MK TRS Trial SM Senior Total SE 00:00:00 DNS
66 Jim Lindahl Hillareds TC Montesa Trial SM Senior Total SE 00:00:00 DNF
64 Magnus Forsberg Ale TK TRS Trial SM Senior Total SE 00:00:00 DNF
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