Resultat C Cup
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The result has been approved by the supervisor/jury

1 Kent Bergfeldt Finspong TC OSSA C Cup SE 20
2 Martin Hermansson Kullings MS OSSA C Cup SE 17
3 Dennis Johnsson Ale TK Montesa C Cup SE 15
4 Magnus Eriksson Sotenäs TC Montesa C Cup SE 13
5 Jim Lindahl Hillareds TC Montesa C Cup SE 11
6 Leif Nordgren Tiger MK Beta C Cup SE 10
7 Vojta Klecka Tiger MK Sherco C Cup SE 9
8 Anton Jonsson Sotenäs TC Beta C Cup SE 8
9 Wilmer Guvander Tiger MK C Cup SE 7
10 Leif Carlsson Finspong TC GasGas C Cup SE 6
11 Arvid Carlsson Finspong TC GasGas C Cup SE 5
12 Elliot Jonsson Ale TK Beta C Cup SE 4
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  • svenska (Sverige), Swedish (Sweden)