Kanon Trial 2021-10-16
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Kanon Trial 2021-10-16

Competition Details
Permit number71-15
OrganizerFinspong TC
Arena (temporary)Finspångs Trialområde (No)
Competition StatusNationell
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorHenrik Lettesjö(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Stefan Anderson
Contact person (Telephone number or email)070-2028541
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   53 53   

Ungrouped classes

 01. Senior Röd Nationell55- No Visa
 02. Senior Blå Nationell99- No Visa
 03. Senior Grön Nationell99- No Visa
 04. Senior Vit Nationell1111- No Visa
 05. Senior Gul Nationell88- No Visa
 06. Junior Blå Nationell11- No Visa
 07. Junior Grön Nationell11- No Visa
 08. Junior Vit Nationell11- No Visa
 09. Junior Gul Nationell11- No Visa
 10. Ungdom Grön Nationell11- No Visa
 11. Ungdom Vit Nationell44- No Visa
 12. Ungdom Gul Nationell22- No Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system

Race Class: 09. Junior Gul

  SimonAhlgrenFinspong TC  GasGas Yes
  • English (United States), English (United States)
  • svenska (Sverige), Swedish (Sweden)