RM Minimoto 4 2024-09-07 -- 2024-09-08
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RM Minimoto 4 2024-09-07 -- 2024-09-08

Competition Details
Permit number68-4
OrganizerSödertälje Kart RC
Arena (temporary)Tuvängen Ring (No)
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Date2024-09-07 -- 2024-09-08
Supervisor / JuryUnreported
Contact person (Name)Felix Jarl
Contact person (Telephone number or email)felix.jarl@gmail.com
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   0 0   

Ungrouped classes

 Junior AMinimoto Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 Junior BMinimoto Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 Minimoto OpenMinimoto Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 MiniRR 4FunMinimoto Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 MiniRR JuniorMinimoto Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 MiniRR SeniorRiksmästerskap Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 MiniRR StockRiksmästerskap Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 Senior OpenRiksmästerskap Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system
No entries were found
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