SM 1 - Vårracet 2024-06-06
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SM 1 - Vårracet 2024-06-06

Competition Details
Permit number52-2
OrganizerÖregrunds RK
Arena (temporary)Peters svängbana (Yes)
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorPer Benson(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Pernilla Ingvarsson
Contact person (Telephone number or email)
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxPaid teamsRegistered teamsMax teamsTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   0 0  28 32   

Ungrouped classes

 Classic CupClassic Nationell/Internationell00-44- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3ARM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-22- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3BRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-34- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3CRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-34- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3DRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-11- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3JRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-23- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3XRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-00- Ja Visa
 Offshore KRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-55- Ja Visa
 Offshore URM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-00- Ja Visa
 Offshore V150RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-11- Ja Visa
 Offshore W150RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-11- Ja Visa
 Offshore V24RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-34- Ja Visa
 Offshore V90RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-00- Ja Visa
 Pleasure Navigation (Offshore) Nationell/Internationell00-00- Ja Visa
 RA GP1RM/SM Aquabike Offshore Nationell/Internationell00-00- No Visa
 RA GP2RM/SM Aquabike Offshore Nationell/Internationell00-00- No Visa
 Standardbåt Nationell/Internationell00-00- Ja Visa
 ThundercatRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-00- Ja Visa
 V90 (Offshore, >16)RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00-33- Ja Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system

55. Hillman,Norlin

  GöranHillmanÖregrunds RK View driver profile  Okänd Yes
  PatrikNorlinÖregrunds RK    Yes

302. Jansson,Lundell

  KristerJanssonÖregrunds RK    Yes
  HansLundellÖregrunds RK    Yes

54. Kurtén,Lundström

  Johan TeodorKurténÄlvbygdens MK  Frodé 21 Yes
  AxelLundströmÄlvbygdens MK    Yes

10. Lundberg,Karlsson

  Jan-Erik HolgerLundbergÖregrunds RK  Argo Yes
  MikaelKarlssonÖregrunds RK    Yes
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