Trial SM, deltävling 1 2024-04-20
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Trial SM, deltävling 1 2024-04-20

Competition Details
Permit number71-2
OrganizerKinna MK
Arena (temporary)Horndal (No)
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorPeter Folkeson(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Daniel Peterson
Contact person (Telephone number or email)
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   56 56   

Ungrouped classes

 01. Senior RödTrial SM Nationell/Internationell1010- No Visa
 02. Senior BlåTrial SM Nationell/Internationell66- No Visa
 03. Senior GrönTrial SM Nationell/Internationell88- No Visa
 04. Senior VitTrial SM Nationell/Internationell33- No Visa
 05. Junior BlåTrial SM Nationell/Internationell88- No Visa
 06. Junior GrönTrial SM Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 07. Junior VitTrial SM Nationell/Internationell11- No Visa
 08. Ungdom BlåTrial SM Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 09. Ungdom GrönTrial SM Nationell/Internationell1010- No Visa
 10. Ungdom VitTrial SM Nationell/Internationell11- No Visa
 11. Dam BlåTrial SM Nationell/Internationell11- No Visa
 12. Dam GrönTrial SM Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 13. Dam VitTrial SM Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 14. 80 Cup GrönTrial SM Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 15. 80 Cup VitTrial SM Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 Trial 80 Cup TotalTrial SM Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system

Race Class: 05. Junior Blå

  AlexanderJanssonKinna MK  GasGas Yes
  SvanteTellnorKinna MK View driver profile  TRS Yes
  CasperAndermårdAle TK View driver profile  Beta Yes
  ErikSteffansson WickelgrenPartille Trialklubb  Beta Yes
  HampusKarlssonPartille Trialklubb  Beta Yes
  ErikSelanderAle TK  GasGas Yes
  LukasOlofssonAle TK  TRS Yes
  EddieEnbomFöreningen Bofors Trial Team  Beta Yes
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