Götapokalen 2024-06-15 -- 2024-06-16
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Götapokalen 2024-06-15 -- 2024-06-16

Competition Details
Permit number70-147
OrganizerGöta MS
Arena (temporary)Enduro-område 1 (No)
EventTyp 1
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Date2024-06-15 -- 2024-06-16
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorPeter Viberg(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Niklas Gustavsson
Contact person (Telephone number or email)Niklas.Gustafsson@ktm.com
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   97 101   

Ungrouped classes

 Dam Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa
 EL Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 Elit/Senior Nationell/Internationell1314- No Visa
 Guldhjälm 65cc Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 Guldhjälm 85cc Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa
 Junior Nationell/Internationell77- No Visa
 Motion Nationell/Internationell5457- No Visa
 Ungdom E0 Nationell/Internationell66- No Visa
 Ungdom E1 Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system

Race Class: Ungdom E1

 144HugoLernskogGöta MS  KTM Yes
 252LuddeYtterbomGöta MS View driver profile Team cljp SwedenKTM Yes
 282HolgerSegerströmGnesta MK View driver profile  Yamaha Yes
 436LiamLjungströmSMK Vingåker  KTM Yes
 703LiamQvistÅbågen MCK View driver profile Team cljp SwedenHonda Yes
  • English (United States), English (United States)
  • svenska (Sverige), Swedish (Sweden)