Götapokalen 2024-06-15 -- 2024-06-16
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Götapokalen 2024-06-15 -- 2024-06-16

Competition Details
Permit number70-147
OrganizerGöta MS
Arena (temporary)Enduro-område 1 (No)
EventTyp 1
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Date2024-06-15 -- 2024-06-16
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorPeter Viberg(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Niklas Gustavsson
Contact person (Telephone number or email)Niklas.Gustafsson@ktm.com
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   97 101   

Ungrouped classes

 Dam Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa
 EL Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 Elit/Senior Nationell/Internationell1314- No Visa
 Guldhjälm 65cc Nationell/Internationell00- No Visa
 Guldhjälm 85cc Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa
 Junior Nationell/Internationell77- No Visa
 Motion Nationell/Internationell5457- No Visa
 Ungdom E0 Nationell/Internationell66- No Visa
 Ungdom E1 Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system

Race Class: Guldhjälm 85cc

 813MärthaTövingeMCK 4 All  Husqvarna Yes
 819VidaVädel FreskÅbågen MCK  Husqvarna Yes
 838FransErikssonMCK 4 All View driver profile  KTM Yes
 903OscarFagerlundMCK 4 All View driver profile  KTM Yes
 910MioEkwall-ÖhlinArlanda MC  KTM Yes
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