RM Minimoto 1 2024-06-08 -- 2024-06-09
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RM Minimoto 1 2024-06-08 -- 2024-06-09

Competition Details
Permit number68-1
OrganizerSMK Västerås Karting
Arena (temporary)Hälla Ring (No)
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Date2024-06-08 -- 2024-06-09
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorPatrik Marklund(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Lars Mellgren
Contact person (Telephone number or email)lars.mellgren7@gmail.com
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   43 43   

Ungrouped classes

 Junior AMinimoto Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa
 Junior BMinimoto Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 Minimoto OpenMinimoto Nationell/Internationell99- No Visa
 MiniRR 4FunMinimoto Nationell/Internationell22- No Visa
 MiniRR JuniorMinimoto Nationell/Internationell66- No Visa
 MiniRR SeniorRiksmästerskap Nationell/Internationell88- No Visa
 MiniRR StockRiksmästerskap Nationell/Internationell66- No Visa
 Senior OpenRiksmästerskap Nationell/Internationell55- No Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system

Race Class: Minimoto Open

 5DanteTallgrenSMK Västerås Karting  DM Yes
 30RasmusRydénSMK Västerås Karting View driver profile  DM Yes
 49FrankHäggströmSMK Västerås Karting  GRC Yes
 56MiltonGransEnköpings MK View driver profile  DM Yes
 64AndersBerglundKortedala MK  DM Yes
 66MatsPerssonSödertälje Kart RC View driver profile  Stamas Yes
 72RobertWallbergSödertälje Kart RC View driver profile  DM Yes
 73MagnusWihlborgSMK Gävle View driver profile  DM Yes
 74JonnaEngströmSMK Västerås Karting View driver profile  GRC Yes
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