SM 3 - Smedjebacken 2024-07-18 -- 2024-07-21
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SM 3 - Smedjebacken 2024-07-18 -- 2024-07-21

Competition Details
Permit number52-1
OrganizerKungliga MBK
Arena (temporary)Smedjebackens hamn (Yes)
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Date2024-07-18 -- 2024-07-21
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorChrister Gustafsson(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Pelle Larsson
Contact person (Telephone number or email)
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaid teamsRegistered teamsMax teamsTeam competitionDriver / List of teamsNotification
 Total number of entries:   14 14    

Ungrouped classes

 Classic Cup (Offshore, >13)Classic Nationell/Internationell55- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3ARM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell11- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3BRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell22- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3CRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell22- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3DRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3JRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00- Ja Visa
 Offshore 3XRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00- Ja Visa
 Offshore KRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00- Ja Visa
 Offshore URM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00- Ja Visa
 Offshore V150RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00- Ja Visa
 Offshore W150RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell11- Ja Visa
 Offshore V24RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell22- Ja Visa
 Offshore V90RM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell11- Ja Visa
 ThundercatRM/SM Offshore 2024 Nationell/Internationell00- Ja Visa

 Start noFirst nameLast nameClub TeamBrandReg. Payment system

224. Ählström,Ählström

  MagnusÄhlströmÖregrunds RK View driver profile  Argo Yes
  ElisabethÄhlströmÖregrunds RK    Yes
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  • svenska (Sverige), Swedish (Sweden)