Arctic Cat Cup 2024-02-03 -- 2024-02-04
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Arctic Cat Cup 2024-02-03 -- 2024-02-04

Competition Details
Permit number69-1
OrganizerJämtlands MK
Arena (temporary)Östersunds Motorstadion (No)
Competition StatusNationell/Internationell
Date2024-02-03 -- 2024-02-04
Additional rulesDownload
SupervisorAnders Berggren(Chairman)
Contact person (Name)Michael Björch
Contact person (Telephone number or email)072-315 18 90
 Race ClassSeriesCompetition StatusPaidNotifiedMaxTeam competitionDriver / List of teams
 Total number of entries:   103 103   

Ungrouped classes

 Guldhjälm Nationell/Internationell262630 No Visa
 Open Nationell/Internationell131332 No Visa
 Sport Nationell/Internationell0016 No Visa
 Stock Nationell/Internationell151548 No Visa
 Stock Dam Nationell/Internationell9916 No Visa
 Ungdom 12-14 Nationell/Internationell151532 No Visa
 Ungdom 14-16 Nationell/Internationell141432 No Visa
 Ungdom Dam 12-14 Nationell/Internationell9916 No Visa
 Ungdom Dam 14-16 Nationell/Internationell2216 No Visa

  • English (United States), English (United States)
  • svenska (Sverige), Swedish (Sweden)