Series Table RM (Junior A, Junior B, Senior Mini/Midi, Senior Open)
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Pl#DriversClubTeamBrandNatKalmar Race1Kalmar Race2Katrineholm Race1Katrineholm Race2Västerås Race 1Västerås Race2Starmoen Race1Starmoen Race2Västerås Race1Västerås Race2Södertälje Race1Södertälje Race2S:
1491 Emil Tägtlund SMK Hedemoraavdelning Blata SE 252520202020202020252520260
246 Martin Silverstrand Kalmar MK dm SE 02025252525  25202025210
326 Kenny Koskinen West Coast Racing ClubBZM Nordic  FI       2525    50
476 Simon Abdu Södertälje Kart RC Dm           161632
593 Robin Wallberg SMK Västerås Karting DM SE         1616  32
6101 Niko Lehtiranta Turun MoottorikerhoLehtiranta RacingBlata FI       1616    32
713 Gabriella Losciale Södertälje Kart RC Johnny Trail motorsport SE           131326

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